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Make Your Vote Count

Did you know that voting for multiple candidates can actually hurt the one person you want to win the most?

For example, this year there are four spots open on the WCHS Board, so you can vote for up to four people.  Keep in mind that you do NOT have to vote for four and may not want to here's why.
Candidate 4 wins the 4th and final spot on the Board by less than 10 votes. Candidate 5, who lost the election by less than 10 votes, later discovers that his family and closest friends had voted for Candidate 4 as a "last choice" to fill out the slate of 4.  If they had not cast that last vote the results of the election would have been different.  Their friend and family member would have been elected instead.
So MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT!  ONLY VOTE for the individuals that you really want to see on the Board.  Do NOT cast a vote for lessor evils just to fill out the ballot "completely", let those chips fall where they may and give the candidate(s) that you really want on the Board the best opportunity by just voting for them.

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